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About Us

Just think. Computers were supposed to make life simpler. And in many ways, they have. But as they have become more sophisticated, they have also become more intimidating. Especially, when things go wrong (and they often do).

You can trawl through jargon-laden manuals or guides or web forums for help. But quite often you'll end up even more confused and frustrated than before.
CALL NOW 1-951-225-4567

What you need is someone who knows your computer and is there whenever the need arises.

Congratulations! You have found that someone.


We are 24/7 Techies. We have served thousands of consumers in the US, Canada, UK and Australia, for whom we manage thousands of desktops, smart devices and peripherals.. We know operating systems better than we know our imaginary girlfriends (or boyfriends). We dream about networking, we keep software bugs as pets, and we eat viruses for breakfast. If you have a problem with your computer, chances are we've seen it, wrestled it to the ground, and read its rights a hundred times before. All of our learning's from supporting our corporate clients we bring to you, the home user via 24/7 Techies.


We are available to you by phone or web 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Let us know your problem and we will let you know if it can be solved before you pay us. Thereafter we charge an amazingly affordable fee. Finally, we guarantee your satisfaction or your money back - no questions asked.


We belong to an elite group of companies worldwide that have the Microsoft Gold Partnership and the Small Business Specialist certification. We are also accredited partners of Cisco Systems and VMware.


If you need more information, please contact us by phone or e-mail.
We're here with the answers 24/7

Disclaimer : 24/7 Techies is an independent provider of remote tech support services for software, hardware, and peripherals. Our support expertise spans across multitude of products from third-party vendors globally. Read More >

24/7Techies has no affiliation with any of these third-party companies unless such relationships are expressly specified. For permitted use and specific warranties associated with the software, hardware, and peripherals, please contact the relevant third party. 24/7 Techies is not responsible for third party content provided on or through the site and you bear all risks associated with the use of such third party content, products and services. 24/7 Techies technicians have gone through a rigorous training schedule developed by 24/7 Techies and have also been certified in areas which are mandatory requirements to obtain Microsoft Gold Certification, Microsoft Small Business Specialist and Google Adwords certified partner partnerships. Hide

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24/7 Techies is an independent provider of remote tech support services for software, hardware, and peripherals. Our support expertise spans across multitude of products from third-party vendors globally.

24/7Techies has no affiliation with any of these third-party companies unless such relationships are expressly specified. For permitted use and specific warranties associated with the software, hardware, and peripherals, please contact the relevant third party. 24/7 Techies is not responsible for third party content provided on or through the site and you bear all risks associated with the use of such third party content, products and services. 24/7 Techies technicians have gone through a rigorous training schedule developed by 24/7 Techies and have also been certified in areas which are mandatory requirements to obtain Microsoft Gold Certification.

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