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A 96% Net Promoter Score puts 24x7 Techies on Top

In a recently conducted Net Promoter Score (NPS) rating, verified by TNS the world's largest consumer research company, 24x7 Techies achieved a 96% customer satisfaction rating.

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A rating of 96% on its own is impressive, but when compared to the ratings of global leaders in customer service such as USAA at 81%, Apple at 78% and Amazon at 71%, it becomes much more than just an impressive achievement; it puts 24x7 techies at the top of the customer satisfaction ladder.

Developed by Satmetrix, Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld, the concept is based on 'the ultimate question' – "How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?" NPS is a simple straightforward metric that holds companies and employees accountable for how they treat customers and has been embraced by leading companies worldwide as the standard for measuring and improving customer loyalty. NPS is based on the principle that an organizations customers can be divided into three categories - Promoters the loyal customers who highly recommend the company's products and services, Passives the customers who are easily swayed by the competition, and detractors the unhappy customers who would give a negative review of the company.

The Net Promoter Score is the difference between the promoters and detractors and the result is a simple but clear a measure of the company's performance via their customer's point of view.

The average company usually has an NPS score of between 5% - 10% - i.e. where promoters barely outnumber detractors. While companies with the highest rated growth operate between 50% - 80%.

24x7 Techies provides Online Computer Support to home and individual users across the US, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Being in a customer service business, the company has implemented rigorous customer service standards; their ability to cater to a wide demographic of customers with differing IT skill levels and achieve such a high customer service rating is a testament to the success of these standards and the training of their staff.

24x7 Techies is a brand of Eureka Technology Partners, one of a handful of companies worldwide that has been awarded ISO 20000 certification, the international standard for IT Infrastructure Management, they are also an accredited service partner of Microsoft, Cisco and IBM.

For more informatopn on Net Promoter Score visit

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24/7 Techies is an independent provider of remote tech support services for software, hardware, and peripherals. Our support expertise spans across multitude of products from third-party vendors globally.

24/7Techies has no affiliation with any of these third-party companies unless such relationships are expressly specified. For permitted use and specific warranties associated with the software, hardware, and peripherals, please contact the relevant third party. 24/7 Techies is not responsible for third party content provided on or through the site and you bear all risks associated with the use of such third party content, products and services. 24/7 Techies technicians have gone through a rigorous training schedule developed by 24/7 Techies and have also been certified in areas which are mandatory requirements to obtain Microsoft Gold Certification.

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